Sima Jo

Thousand Oaks, CA

Sima Jo is an American figure painter, currently residing in Thousand Oaks, CA. After receiving a bachelors degree in the arts from Laguna College of Art and Design (2019), her focus has been the creating and exhibiting of impressionistic oil paintings. Painting from the subconscious, Sima Jo makes these pieces with little to no photo reference- in desire to explore self and show what is to be found when there no deliberate control over the subject matter. Her work can be found in private collections all over the country.

Much of her current work plays with the idea of how fluid our energy can be within our environment and among each other. Painting an emotional state in physical form, she explores the visual realm with intent to show others just how easily we fluctuate and morph into our surroundings. Her inspiration to paint lies within self expression and what is to be expressed in the viewing and listening of others.

Sima Jo